Do you ever feel lost, stuck, or overwhelmed?


Are you experiencing stress, anxiety, illness, or burnout with your current life situation?

Is the state of this world having a negative impact on you?
Want to learn how to transform feelings of helplessness into empowered choices?
Would you like to understand yourself better and begin to heal your mind, body, and relationships?

You are not alone...

 We have never quite experienced a time like this before...

A lot of change is in the air and it can feel both exciting and daunting to take a step in any new direction whether it is chosen or forced upon you.

Uncertainty is known for creating feelings of stress, fear, and worry deep from within us and our reactions can be unconscious so it can feel like things are arising that make no sense. 

I believe it's not what we move through or what gets thrown at us that defines us, but HOW we choose to move through it that truly matters.

This is one of the reasons why I designed this online journey to change your life.

I am seeing so many clients that needed extra support right now through their transitions into something new, through the difficulties and times of breakdown and burnout that arises from trying to force and control the external.

What if I told you there is another way?
By finding calm within the crisis and making pivotal changes from a place of clarity to what you want and need is key. 

Alignment to Awakening will give you the tools internally to shape the world around you from the inside out.

Choose You Today

Seeking clarity? 

If you are fed up with having no energy, feeling stressed, things just not working out, if you become worried easily, and anxious about everything that's not in your power to change this course is for you. 

Step by step you find out the WHY. 

Where do these blocks, patterns, and behaviors come from?

Ever wonder why you can't have those things you so strongly desire?

Uncover the answers you seek within you by saying YES today and building solid practices and commitment to yourself.

We all start somewhere... Is this your new beginning?

Alignment to Awakening 


If your feeling like now is the time to align a little deeper within, develop your tool kit and invite some magic into your life then I invite you to this alignment into awakening course.

Being guided to work within your own energy one lesson at a time allows for the integration of new tools, experiences, and the space for you to be receiving the healing needed as you connect with your unique energy to make shifts in your belief systems, and to move through any change and uncertainty understanding yourself from a completely new perspective.


The gifts you receive from this course:

You will be guided through meditations to reveal your inner truth and desires to find direction.

Be led through reflective journaling, gratitude and gentle yoga practices, and deep healings for the mind, body, and spirit.

Receive assistance in the embodiment of what you have discovered as you work through specific lessons and tools designed specifically to lead you with ease.

As you connect with your energy every step of the way you will clear blockages to deepen alignment with yourself and create a new way of life by consciously tapping into the present moment to find what you seek is within you. 

Completing one lesson at a time in the flow of how this course has been designed will allow time for integration before you move forward allowing time for things to settle and for you to directly experience how you show up differently in the world.


- Awaken a deeper sense of connection to your true self.

- Learn to attune to your intuitive gifts.

- Tools to navigate through change from the inside out.

- Liberation from the past.

- Build confidence to live with freedom and choice. 

- Discover clarity and focus when setting your intentions.

- Integrity in the alignment of your beliefs into action.


Learn to feel calm and grounded within uncertainty or when things feel out of your control. Uncovering, accepting, and clearing any blockages you hold to deepen alignment within yourself creating a secure foundation for a new way of life.


Experience healing the mind from old thought patterns, heal the body from storing suppressed emotions, and from holding onto the past that no longer serves you. Heal the parts of you that are so ready to receive love, joy, and ease. All parts of you belong.


Discover yourself. Feel vitality sparked from within to connect you to your feelings, boundaries, behaviors, power, and truth. Feel freedom in your life from cultivating that connection inward that ripples out to all the world. Be the change.

Why wait?

A simple yet such a potent calling... do you hear it? 

No more waiting for that 'tomorrow'... then never choosing it. 

Now is your time for change, it starts with you.

Now is the time that you can gift yourself that permission to choose yourself. 


Does your 8 Week Journey to Self Discovery start now?

I am ready - Sign me up!

What others have experienced...

This course is incredible. Whether you are familiar with the chakra system or not, moving through them each week with Jessie causes big shifts to happen. Each week revealed new layers and exposed new truths for me to face, and through the powerful exercises and meditations, I wrapped up feeling completely alive, refreshed, and aligned to my higher self. Amazing experience. Thank you Jessie.

When Jessie invited me to join her enrichment course I knew I had to be there. Jessie has a beautiful way to make all feel nurtured, safe, and welcomed. 

Knowledge and wisdom are poured over your soul and fill your mind as Jessie each week themes the sessions to match what she is delivering. The best part is not knowing how the sessions will unfold yet knowing you will come away topped up and have new tools to assist getting to learn more about yourself and what is possible in this amazing world. 

During the week in between, there are notes to take away and recommendations on the home play. 

I experienced inner growth emerging each week and have new tools to continue my journey. 

Thank you, Jessie, I’m looking forward to more learnings with you.

I have had several treatments in the past year with Jessie as well as attending her 8 week ‘Alignment to Awakening’ chakra course recently. Jessie is amazing, so professional, knowledgeable and intuitive. Her immense background and experience in the healing arts gives her energetic healing and body work a depth of understanding I’ve not found before. I feel privileged to have met her and benefitted from her skills. 

Build the Courage to Change Your Life... Starting Here

Jessie is an intuitive, awakening facilitator that holds a safe and grounding container for your guided journey in and through the energy centres. Jessie will help you access healing through your inner world, and develop your intuition to gain insights to awakening your truth and gifts.

May this be received from my heart to yours, with the highest intention to serve you on your lightest timeline with ease and grace.

Many blessings,

Jessie Moss